Monday, June 10, 2013

Really Think About It

Really Think About It:

Really Think About It

Okay, I thought about it.

I still think "deers" is incorrect and that deer is both the singular and plural form.

Sorry, homeschool mom here!

Also, the 'roo's arms can still reach his face, T-Rex's couldn't.  

But it is a cute comparison.  :)


  1. You're right, "deer" is like "moose" (the world's largest deer, btw). Both singular and plural. Counterargument *might* be made by "fish"/"fishes" but there's been no generally accepted use by intelligent people of "deers" *shudder*.

    1. I pretty much take the LOLcats grammar in stride, in the spirit it's intended. But when you're not doing "lolspeak" then don't use words like "deers!" Sheesh!

      We're a couple of annoying grammar cops, aren't we? LOL
